Justie Nicol

Justie Nicol is a feisty, red-headed, nerdy, dog & toddler mom, with a variety of legal experience who’s actually a PERSON (human first, then attorney) and who wants to GENUINELY HELP her clients. Justie practices primarily criminal defense work but is also well-known for innovation, systems-design, and using legal tech to achieve great results for the firm and her clients. Justie is often teaching other lawyers about tech stacks , guest-lecturing at local universities about animal law, teaching animal control officers how to testify and investigate, or giving webinars on law firm automation. She is the Colorado Lawyer Team visionary.
Justie owns two companies in Colorado and is a licensed real estate broker. Justie is a small-town girl and rural lawyer at heart and often travels to clients throughout the majority of the state of Colorado. Access to Justice is something she’s passionate about, so she keeps her costs down and is on many modest means lists for low-pay slow-pay representation.
She enjoys long walks in the mountains (they’re called hikes in Colorado) and she’s horse-crazy. She’s active on social media (@Justie4Justice) where you can see regular appearances by #OfficeDogs and #OfficeHorse. She welcomes questions at any time via email to [email protected].
Read on to learn more about the firm, what kinds of cases we can help you with, and learn more about Justie’s professional bio. Get to know us, and let us help you today!
The Business of Law Firm Ownership
Justie is the firm’s visionary. She’s responsible for much of the business back-office to make what we do possible. Justie has Accounting and Political Science degrees through the Honors Program at Colorado State University, so she know what it takes to run a successful and growing business. Founding a law firm, and watching it grow from Nicol Law Offices, to Nicol Gersch Law, and now to Colorado Lawyer Team in such a short time has been Justie’s plan all along. Justie’s happy to help other lawyers with tech or business related questions, any time!
Similarly, Justie dedicates a significant amount of time each year speaking or teaching on animal law related topics. She’s happy to offer reduced fee or free engagements for this purpose throughout the state of Colorado. For more, see our Animal Law page. Speaking or expert testimony inquiries may be booked directly with Justie using this link.
As a former prosecutor for the largest DA’s Office in Colorado, Justie knows how to try and win cases, and–better yet–how to beat the DA’s case. While employed as a Deputy District Attorney, Justie handled traffic, misdemeanor, felony, and juvenile cases, covering everything from DUI/DWAI’s to felony assaults and armed robbery. She was the County Court Lead District Attorney, supervising others who prosecuted these crimes, too. Justie also worked on domestic violence cases, including trying Habitual DV cases and making persuasive arguments on important matters like bond (or bail) and protection orders.
Prior to being a prosecutor, Justie also worked for the ACLU on a large, class-action lawsuit on behalf of prisoners incarcerated in a private prison facility known as “gladiator school” in Idaho. Justie knows your constitutional rights can be violated easily and she recognizes cruel and unusual punishment when she sees it!
Justie has also handled unemployment appeals as a contract appellate judge. She also advised and represented bankruptcy and tax clients. She knows prisons; she knows unemployment; she knows what it means to be down on your luck. Complex cases can be challenging, that is why it is important to have an attorney representing you who is comfortable multi-tasking. We know what it means to work for a living… Let us work for you!
- University of Denver Sturm College of Law
- Colorado State University, Honors (Political Science and Accounting)
- Owner (Nicol Law Offices)
- Owner (Colorado Lawyer Team)
- Attorney (ACLU of Idaho)
- Deputy District Attorney (18th Judicial District Office of the District Attorney)
- Associate Bankruptcy and Tax Attorney (Martelle, Bratton and Associates)
- Appeals Writer (Idaho Industrial Commission)
- Associate Attorney (Ritsema & Lyon)
- Board Member, Homeward Alliance Inc
- Fellow, Institute for Human Animal Connection (University of Denver)
- Treasurer, Campus West Merchant’s Association Board of Directors
- Colorado Criminal Defense Bar
- Alternate Defense Counsel
- ALDF Attorney
- Rocky Mountain Victim Lawyers Association