Well, my maternity leave is officially over.  I took a few months off at the first of the year to deliver a wonderful little addition to this world.  Although I started Colorado Lawyer Team Offices as a solo-solo, having a child has made me wonder whether it might not be a good idea to start looking for an intern, law student, administrative assistant, or paralegal.  The kicker: I am just starting the firm back up and can’t pay anyone.  So… anyone interested in an unpaid internship? Know anyone? Spread the word! Lots of great legal experience, ability to market a growing law firm online. and the flexibility to work from home most days! It may transition to paid later, too! #mustlovedogs.  That being said, I am starting the firm back up and NLO is up and running again!  My little one (apparently you can abbreviate LO for babies–who knew #Ireadmommyblogsnow) is in daycare several days a week.  Translation: I am sick on a running basis.  Since he started daycare 8 weeks ago, I’ve had a bacterial infection requiring antibiotics and two viral upper respiratory infections.  And yet, somehow, I managed to find the time to join crossfit and play in a 10 week volleyball league.  Suffice it to say with all of that going on, the blog took a bit of a backseat.


I’ve got a great year of content set up and I’m excited to bring you my insights and musings on a more regular basis going forward.  Be on the lookout (that is abbreviated BOLO for those in the know) for blog posts to hit your feed once or twice a month.  Some posts will be legal related law-type posts, while others will just be on subjects of interest to me.  Facebook and Twitter will hopefully be queued up very regularly, so expect lots of gifs and fun stuff there along with the occasional think-piece.  And I will continue to post pics of things from my daily life on Instagram; mostly, #officedogs.  Do not worry, though, as I will keep most of the baby pics to myself unless you request otherwise, dear readers.  No guarantees baby stuff doesn’t find its way to Pinterest, though… what’s a new mom to do at 2:30 a.m. while feeding a newborn!?


Source: New feed