What We Are Thankful for in 2020

It’s hard to believe we’re staring down late November and Thanksgiving 2020. Given the trials and tribulations of the COVID-19 pandemic this year, it may be challenging to feel thankful this time around. Here at Colorado Lawyer Team, we have been reflecting on the year and the good fortunes we’re able to count even amidst this pandemic. And, we’re not just talking about the amazing food and shopping deals ahead!

Of course, we are so grateful for our wonderful clients and business partners that make our work as Colorado criminal defense and family law attorneys so rewarding and successful. Without you all, we simply couldn’t do the important work that we do. But we thought we’d share with you our more personal thoughts on what we’re grateful for here.

What Our Team is Thankful for This Year

Justie is thankful for her supportive husband, particularly following a recent fall leaving her with a twisted ankle. His willingness and ableness around the home and in caring for their child is so appreciated. The ability to work from home during this time is invaluable to Justie, too.

Debbie is grateful for a safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine that appears to be on the horizon.

Meghan is thankful she lives in beautiful Colorado where she can get outside and snowboard despite the challenging pandemic circumstances.

Jessica is grateful that she can work from home during the pandemic with a supportive workplace and an all-virtual team.

Tammy is thankful for her good health, the amazing Colorado sunshine, and for being employed during what’s been such a challenging period for workers.

Holiday Reminders When You’re Not Feeling Very Thankful

While Thanksgiving is a perfect time to express gratitude and spend time with loved ones, we also know the holiday season isn’t easy for many people. And, it may be particularly difficult for some this year. As a general matter, whenever families and friends get together, any number of disasters can occur.  As Colorado criminal defense and family law attorneys, we see lots of legal issues arise from the additional stress brought on by the holidays.  From domestic violence cases and spouses snapping at essay genarator to the inebriated family member or friend getting a post-holiday party DUI, criminal and domestic relations consequences are all too common. For prevention tips, see our Dealing with Holiday Drama in a Productive Way blog post and our Holiday Help blog post.  If you feel like you need extra support over the holidays, please do not hesitate to contact us today (even if it’s just for some reassurance! Some of our favorite ‘legal advice’ to give is the advice to do nothing and likely nothing bad will happen).

By way of example, for each medical order you place with our breastfeeding made simple business, perhaps you are sure the front page in addition to the referrals page can be carried out completely at no cost. There’s absolutely no should be worried anymore, because will assist you with your management papers. Recall that folks specific within the discipline are prepared to assist you. It must be handwritten.

Still Need Help?

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: This blog post does not create an attorney-client relationship. It’s a blog post and not legal advice. Each case is different, and this post is meant for generalized knowledge, only. If you haven’t signed an engagement letter (or even received an engagement letter) AND issued some form of payment (peanuts do not count), then no attorney-client relationship exists. Nevertheless, we will do our best to ensure your confidentiality should you choose to contact us privately, but do not post about your case in the comments here (because reaching out for help with your case should be confidential, damn it).

If you have done both of the things mentioned earlier–signed a letter and paid us–then, and only then, you might be a client. But merely chatting with us online does not a client make. Suffice it to say, if you aren’t absolutely certain about whether or not an attorney-client relationship exists between yourself and Colorado Lawyer Team, you should probably ask for some clarity. Until then, we’ll keep your secrets but we don’t formally represent you… YET.