Evidence in Loveland DUI Cases

Being accused of driving under the influence (DUI) of drugs or alcohol can be a difficult experience. Not only do you have to defend your innocence, but you also have to know your rights and identify if they are being violated.

Fortunately, you do not have to face law enforcement officials and the prosecution alone. The Colorado Lawyer Team knows the nuances of cases like yours and are ready to be the professional ally you need. Our DUI defense attorneys could help you gather evidence in a Loveland DUI case and build a strong defense against the charges.

Valid Reason for a Loveland Traffic Stop

One thing we look for in a DUI case is whether the officer had reason to initiate the traffic stop. This means that there has to be reasonable suspicion of criminal activity, otherwise it is a violation of the Fourth Amendment. For help determining if your Fourth Amendment rights were violated by the arresting officer, talk to a Loveland attorney who can help gather evidence to prove your case.

Miranda Rights and the Fifth Amendment

Our Loveland defense attorneys also look at what statements were made by witnesses during the time of the contact by police or after the accident if there was one. These statements could even come from the defendant themselves. It is important to note that someone accused of a DUI is protected by the Fifth Amendment and their Miranda rights to avoid self-incrimination.

Sometimes, the accused person makes a statement, without police prompting, before they have been arrested. While these may not be protected by the Constitution, an attorney can help you review whether your were in custody such that the Fifth Amendment and Miranda rights apply in your case.  For more information about these rights under the law, talk to one of our diligent attorneys right away.

Camera Footage

Generally, arresting police officers must wear body cameras when making these types of arrests. If the camera was not on, or the footage was poor quality, it might not be used as evidence on the prosecuting side. Likewise, if the camera footage shows that the defendant passed the roadside tests and the officer still detained them, one of our Loveland attorneys could help you to review the evidence and video to determine if yours was an unreasonable arrest or the evidence creates a defense. Our skilled DUI defense attorneys could assist you to understand the importance of camera and video footage in your case.


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Improper Tests

Loveland defense attorneys look at whether there are problems with the breathalyzer or blood tests to review any issues or whether the accused person did not meet the minimum requirement for being charged with a DUI.

Call about Evidence in Loveland DUI Cases Now

Our attorneys pay close attention to recent trends in testing, look for legal loopholes, and know how to win a case at trial with research and strategy to protect your rights. Our team has won many DUI trials and motions. We are ready to help you in your case.

The Colorado Lawyer Team gives you all the information and guidance you need to make a confident decision in how to proceed with your case. We can gather evidence in Loveland DUI cases and use it to defend your rights and innocence. Call our virtual office now to learn more about your legal options.


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