Divorce isn’t fun for anyone, but divorcing couples with children together have numerous additional challenges to face regarding custody, child support, and guiding the children through the difficulties ahead.
If you’re divorcing and you have already spoken with child custody lawyers in Colorado, take a look at the following tips you can adopt to help your child during the divorce process.
#1- Make an Effort to Co-Parent
You and your ex are likely not on the best terms during your divorce, but it’s crucial to put your differences aside to co-parent. Your child needs their parents to play active, positive roles in their life.
#2- Be Honest
Don’t hide what’s happening from your child, as it will confuse them more. Explain that you and your child’s other parent are going your separate ways, but frame the situation in a context they’ll understand.
#3- Avoid Negative Comments
According to family law in Colorado, bad-mouthing the other parent during your divorce is a negative tactic, especially around children. While you’re understandably in a problematic emotional space, do all you can to avoid making negative comments about your ex in front of your kids.
#4- Keep a Routine
Try to keep your lives on the most normal track possible. If your family has a certain routine, try to adhere to it as much as you can, even if the child’s other parent isn’t there to participate. If you have worked with a child custody lawyer in Denver and you have received a visitation schedule/custody agreement, try to keep your time with your children relatively normal. Don’t compete with the other parent for your children’s love.
#5- Remind the Child(ren) You Love Them
Let your kids know that you love them. Though your feelings might be evident to you, your children are going through a challenging change in their lives and will need reassurance that you love them even if you don’t love the other parent anymore.
#6- Encourage the Expression of Feelings
Allow your child to express their frustration and encourage them to talk about their thoughts and emotions. This way, you can help address their concerns and clear up the more confusing elements of the divorce that might weigh heavily on your child’s well-being.
#7- Tell Them Things Will Be Okay
It may not seem that way at the beginning, but after the difficult period of adjustment has passed, things will be okay. Remind your child that you’re all going through a challenging time in your lives right now, but in the future, things are going to work out for the best.
#8- Consider Therapy
A Denver family lawyer you consult with may suggest therapy sessions if your child is having a difficult time during the divorce process. These legal professionals have worked with thousands of families in most cases, and plenty of people experienced in divorces with minor children believe therapy to be a helpful coping tool.
Divorce is challenging to go through, but for children, it can be challenging to adjust to the new turn their lives have taken. Both parents need to be as supportive and understanding of the children’s feelings as possible. In addition to your efforts, you may want to reach out for professional help if you feel that your family needs additional support.
If you need help navigating the divorce process, reach out to COlaw at (970) 670-0738.