Being accused of abuse or domestic violence is devastating when the accusations are false. As difficult as it can be to deal with, defending yourself will involve far more than simply claiming that you did nothing wrong.
If you’re facing false accusations of domestic violence, follow these tips below.
Understand Domestic Violence and Abuse
If you’ve been falsely accused of abuse or domestic violence, one of the best ways to develop a strong defense involves understanding what does and does not count as domestic violence or abuse. Domestic violence can be emotional, mental, financial, physical, and sexual.
Determine the actions that were alleged in the false accusation against you so that you can defend each point as thoroughly as possible.
Collect Evidence
Once you know the details surrounding what you’re being accused of, begin collecting and organizing evidence that points to your innocence. For example, if your spouse claims that you physically assaulted them on a specific date, evidence that proves you were out of town around the alleged timeline can help your case, especially if you want to get rid of false abuse charges.
Furthermore, if you have witnesses, photos, or other documentation that invalidates the accuser’s claim, use it to build your case. You might have photos of the accuser the day after an alleged assault in which no injuries are present, or maybe you have witness testimony that illustrates a history of the accuser making false allegations against past partners.
Leave the Accuser Alone
It might seem like a good idea to contact the accuser in order to understand why they’re accusing you of something that didn’t happen, but doing so is a bad idea. Instead, leave the accuser alone, and do not attempt to make contact.
Additionally, if the accuser has any access to your online accounts or banking information, change your passwords right away to prevent them from creating false evidence to use against you.
Work with a Lawyer
To properly fight false domestic violence charges, working with an experienced attorney is crucial. Especially in the case where children or other people may be involved, you don’t want to represent yourself in these situations. It doesn’t matter if the case seems simple to prove—a trusted lawyer will help make your case stronger.
Talk to a lawyer about the accusations against you, and present the evidence you have pointing toward your innocence. An attorney can help you present your case and defend yourself against facing legal trouble for something you didn’t do.
For legal advice and representation, reach out to a Colorado domestic violence attorney. The COLaw Team can help you navigate your case, prove your innocence, and get rid of false domestic violence charges that have been or will be filed against you.