For some, their experience with family law is cause for celebration, like adopting a child. However, some stressful situations in family law, such a divorce, child custody disputes, or domestic violence, are more of a challenge than a celebration. If you are facing this type of legal matter, an experienced Denver family lawyer could assist you. The attorneys at the Colorado Lawyer Team understand that these cases present a broad array of complex issues and emotions and must be handled with compassion and legal experience.
The Difference Between Contested and Uncontested Divorce in Denver
When pursuing marriage dissolution, an individual has two options: contested or uncontested divorce. In an uncontested divorce, the couple has resolved all marital issues between themselves and may put their decisions in a marital settlement agreement. These cases generally move more quickly through the court system and save the divorcing parties considerable time and money.
If the parties disagree on any issue, like custody or spousal support, the divorce is contested. In a contested divorce, the court makes decisions about the case at a Permanent Orders Hearing, the final stage of the marriage dissolution process. At this hearing, a court may consider evidence relating to custody, financial support, and the division of assets and debts. An order or divorce decree issued by a judge following this hearing is binding for both parties.
Whether by drafting a marital settlement agreement in an uncontested divorce or representing a party in court at a Permanent Orders Hearing, a skilled family lawyer in the Denver area could be an invaluable resource in a marriage dissolution action.
A Knowledgeable Family Attorney Could Assist in Other Legal Matters
Our family lawyers in Denver routinely handle divorce cases. However, they can also assist with other issues and disputes between family members.
Calculating Child Support
Regardless of the custodial arrangement, both parents must financially support their child. Under Colorado Revised Statutes §14-10-115, a judge may consider multiple factors when determining child support, including the parents’ financial resources and the child’s standard of living. The formula for calculating the specific amount of support is complex and includes the parent’s respective incomes, how much time their child spends with each of them, and whether the child has any special needs. Accurately determining child support using the Colorado Child Support Guidelines can be challenging. A knowledgeable attorney understands these guidelines and could help a parent calculate the correct support amount.
Adoption is the legal process of assuming all parenting rights and responsibilities for a child. Adoptions can be done by agreement of the birth and adoptive parents or may be contested if a birth parent objects to the termination of their parental rights. Because of the finality of adoption for everyone involved, a birth parent or prospective adoptive parent is well-advised to consult a seasoned family law attorney.
Determining Paternity
In any case where a child’s paternity is disputed, either party may file a Petition to Establish the Parent and Child Relationship according to Colorado’s Uniform Parentage Act. Any man alleged to be the child’s father must be notified of this action and given the opportunity to admit or contest paternity. Once a man is determined to be a child’s legal father, he gains substantial parenting rights and responsibilities. Accordingly, in any case where a child’s paternity is in question, a parent or alleged parent should consult a capable attorney.
Protection Orders from Domestic Abuse
State laws surrounding domestic violence are designed to protect victims and punish offenders. For example, a person abused by a spouse or partner may seek a Protection Order and request that the abuser be prohibited from contacting them and, in some cases, their children. There are also situations in which someone is wrongfully accused of domestic violence. Because of the severe consequences of a Protection Order or a criminal charge for assault, a person facing an abuse action could benefit by consulting an experienced Denver family law attorney at Colorado Lawyer Team.
Speak to a Capable Denver Family Attorney Today
This area of the law is complicated, and therefore, it is wise to have trusted legal representation from a Denver family lawyer as early in your case as possible. You may risk losing your rights by attempting to represent yourself in a family-related dispute. Contact the Colorado Lawyer team today to get help with your case.